Skyfarer Academy

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Hello, I'm Jaylen P.

I'm a flight instructor on the Eastern Front of the Rockies in Colorado Springs​,​ CO. I grew up learning to fly in the Pacific Northwest and have grown my flight experience to have flown in most regions of the country. One of the biggest lessons I've learned in the field of aviation is the power of networking​,​ it's what has allowed me to get flight time in single-engine pistons up to multi-engine turbine aircraft. Flying was my main passion​,​ now teaching others to fly is. I'd love to help you along your journey to become a pilot. I'm also studying at the Air Force Academy so whether you are interested in flying​,​ military​,​ college​,​ or all three. I'm here for you! Let's Connect!

Location (City, state, and country)

Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States of America

Ratings & Certificates (List all held. i.e. CFI, CFII, AGI, MEI, ATP, etc.)


Aircraft Types Instructed (List all types of airplanes and other aircraft you have instructed in)

Cessna 150​/​172​/​182 RV12is​/​RV12uls

Total Flight Hours


Total Instructional Hours


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