Skyfarer Academy

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How to prepare for your first session

You are about to embark on an engaging, interactive, and fruitful flight training journey with Skyfarer Academy.

Getting started with your Skyfarer Academy session is easy. All you need is a stable internet connection and a device that can access Google Meet video conferencing. Whether it’s your first time attending or you are a Skyfarer Academy pro, make sure you're familiar with these steps to ensure a smooth and successful experience:

1. Join Your Session through Your Booking Page: To access your session, sign in to your booking page. *Currently, Skyfarer Academy is in the process of integrating Google Meet into our platform. This integration is expected to be completed by the end of August as we await approval from Google. In the meantime, your instructor will create a Google Calendar event and invite you to the session.

2. Test Your Google Meet Connection: When it’s time for your session, click the “Join with Google Meet” button or use the session URL provided in your email. This will take you directly to the Google Meet room where your session will take place.

3. Turn On Your Video Camera and Mic: At the start of your session, make sure to turn on your video camera, mic and speaker. It’s a good idea to test your Google Meet connection before the session to ensure your video and audio are functioning properly.

Chat feature

You can use the chat box, accessed from the bottom of the screen, to send messages to students during sessions. If you’ve never used this function before, consider testing it out before session begins.

Is there a single link to Google Meet, or are they all different?

Every session has its own unique Google Meet meeting. Students must book a session before they can gain access to a virtual meeting for it.

Need More Help? If you have any questions or need assistance preparing for your session, feel free to browse our help articles or contact us directly at for general inquiries

Prepare for your session—fill out our questionnaire