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Help Students Find You Online

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential for any business with an online presence, including your live online sessions at Skyfarer Academy. This guide introduces you to the basics of SEO and how you can improve the visibility of your sessions in search results.


Updated August 10, 2024

If you’ve been researching “marketing my business online,” you’ve likely come across the term SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of making your sessions easier to find on the web without relying on paid or promoted ads. By optimizing your session descriptions or website for search engines, you increase your chances of appearing in search results and attracting students looking for online flight instructors at various levels.

As Jason Barnard from Semrush says, “SEO is the art and science of persuading search engines to recommend your content to their users as the solution to their problem.”

Can we tell you exactly how search engines like Google choose which links appear on the first page of results? No – but neither can anyone else. Search engines are constantly updating their algorithms, and they don’t always share the details. However, there are several steps you can take (from basic to advanced) to improve the SEO of your session listings or business website.

Before we dive in, it’s important to note that there are many approaches to SEO. It’s easy to get lost in the abundance of information available online. To simplify your journey, we’ve compiled a few resources that offer professional, reliable insights to help you get started. We recommend beginning with the basics of SEO – specifically keyword research, writing with searcher intent in mind, and updating your session listings or website – before moving on to more complex strategies.

If you’re already familiar with SEO and want specific tips on optimizing your sessions on Skyfarer Academy, check out this article for advice on crafting SEO-friendly session listings.

Terms to Know

  • Keywords – These are the words or phrases someone might enter into a search engine when looking for flight training resources. For example, a student might search for “IFR Flight Planning” or “Aircraft Navigation Systems.” Including relevant keywords on your website or session listing increases your chances of appearing in search results.
  • Short-tail Keywords – Single words or two-word phrases related to your subject. Examples might include "flight training" or "pilot lessons."
  • Long-tail Keywords – 3-4 word phrases related to your subject. Examples might include "online IFR flight training" or "advanced aircraft navigation courses."
  • SERP – SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page. The results you see on Google after conducting a search are displayed on a SERP.
  • Ranking – This refers to your position in the SERPs on Google. For example, if your flight training session is “ranking 3rd on Google” for a certain keyword, it’s the 3rd link down on the first page of results.
  • Organic – Organic searches or traffic refer to users who find your website or session listing after searching for specific keywords. Non-organic traffic comes from paid advertising.
  • Searcher Intent – This is the underlying reason why someone typed in certain keywords. What problem are they trying to solve, or what question are they seeking to answer? Search engines analyze your page to determine if your keywords match the searcher’s intent before displaying your content in the SERPs. To learn more about searcher intent and its importance in SEO, check out this blog.
  • Backlinks – These are links pointing to your website from other sites on the internet. The process of acquiring these links is known as “link building.” If other reputable sites link to your page, its credibility increases, and it’s more likely to be recommended by search engines.

Get to Know SEO

As you explore these resources, remember that you’re not just a flight instructor – you’re also a business owner. Whether you’re teaching through Skyfarer Academy or running your own flight training business, SEO can help you attract new students.

If you have a business website in addition to your Skyfarer Academy profile, these tips can help you drive more traffic to your site. Even if you don’t have another website, SEO still matters. Your session listing on Skyfarer Academy can appear on Google if it outranks the competition. We discuss writing SEO-friendly session listings in more detail in this post.

Lastly, keep in mind that SEO is not a one-time task. To truly master search engine optimization, you’ll need to regularly revisit and revise your session descriptions or website content.

SEO 101 for Flight Instructors

This free video training from Ahrefs offers an excellent introduction to SEO and keyword research, specifically tailored for those looking to enhance their online presence. For flight instructors at Skyfarer Academy, the first 40 minutes will be especially relevant for improving your session descriptions. If you also have your own business website, continuing with the video will provide even more valuable insights. It’s a significant time investment, but one that pays off if you’re serious about growing your online flight training business. Watch now.

If Ahrefs' video training isn’t your style, here are a few other resources to consider. If your focus is on refining your session descriptions on Skyfarer Academy, concentrate on the sections related to keyword research and usage. You don’t need to worry about back-end coding or on-page optimization since Skyfarer Academy handles that for you.

Keyword Research

Once you grasp the basics of SEO, it’s time to determine which keywords to include in your session descriptions or website content. This involves a multi-step process, and each course you offer may require different keywords. If you skipped the Ahrefs video, Hubspot offers a brief, easy-to-understand guide to keyword research, including links to popular free SEO tools. Additionally, this guide on writing quality content for SEO from Semrush is highly recommended.

Keep in mind that keywords are crucial not just for Google but also for making sure your sessions appear in searches within the Skyfarer Academy website. For more on using keywords in session descriptions, read this guide.

One important note: Be aware of Skyfarer Academy’s policy on using copyrighted material and trademarks in session listings to ensure your listings are approved.

Link Building

Link building is especially important for instructors looking to drive organic traffic to their websites or have their Skyfarer Academy sessions appear in external search engine results. While using the right keywords is essential, some argue that link building (or backlinking) is even more critical.

Link building involves placing links on other web pages that direct back to your site or session URL. Search engines consider the existence and quality of these backlinks to gauge the trustworthiness of your site. The idea is that if reputable websites link to your content when discussing a particular topic, you’re seen as an authority in that field. But how do you start building links for a new website? Moz has created a helpful guide with all the answers you need.

Time to Take Action

SEO can be complex, and it’s okay if you’re still unsure about how it all works. However, don’t let that uncertainty stop you from applying your new knowledge! Start with some keyword research, and try updating your session descriptions or website.

Monitor the results after making these changes and watch for shifts (positive or negative) in clicks or enrollments. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t see immediate, dramatic increases in traffic or bookings – SEO improvements take time, and it may take a while for search engines to reflect the changes you’ve made. If you have your own website, be sure to request Google to re-index your site after updating your content.

Remember, SEO is just one part of running a successful flight instructor business. For more marketing ideas, check out these resources from the Educator Library:

  • Instructor Stories: Social Media Marketing *To be published
  • Business Coaching on Skyfarer Academy (Keep an eye out for upcoming opportunities!) *To be published
  • Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business *To be published